Saturday, February 08, 2025

Matches at Home

While I did manage to sleep through the night this time, when I woke up at 7:30, my stomach was still queasy and I had a massive headache. I called out again. I don't think the manager was too happy, since the head bagger apparently called out for a funeral as well, but I wasn't quite up to pushing carts and sweeping floors yet. I'll go in tomorrow to help with the Super Bowl crowds regardless of how my stomach feels.

Went back to sleep, then read The Fairy Godmother and wrote in my journal. Put on the 2018 Muppet Babies when I got moving and had a little Cream of Wheat and sliced bananas for breakfast. Gonzo is upset when he doesn't find any valentines in his cubby, so he becomes Dr. Meanzo and declares it "Happy Villain-tine's Day!" The others try to stop him from destroying their valentines. Gonzo and Summer are the proud parents of the narwhal bride and potato groom in "My Best Toy's Wedding." Summer is ready to call things off when Gonzo insists on doing everything his way, until Nanny and the others remind him that relationships are about compromise.

The original 1984 Muppet Babies also did a Valentine's episode (in fact, their only holiday episode). Nanny gives the kids Valentine's cookies, but Rolf's is missing. When he disappears as well, the other Muppets make valentines in their own ways to cheer him up in "Be My Muppet Valentine."

Went to Tubi next for the Golden Films Beauty and the Beast. I go further into this 1992 take on the French fairy tale at my Musical Dreams Movie Reviews blog.

Puttered around online until the Match Game marathon began. This show was even more fun when a married or dating couple was on the panel. The first in 1973 was Dick Gautier and his then-wife Barbara Stuart. Brett Somers appeared with her husband Jack Klugman for three weeks in 1973. They spent most of those three weeks fighting, which is one of the many reasons they got divorced (or separated, depending on who you talk to). By 1978, they were no longer together. That didn't stop the others from holding a mock wedding for them, or them from arguing over the existence of Hallmark Hall of Fame

Other couples were less combative. Patti Deusch and her writer husband Donald Ross appeared together for a memorable week in 1974 that also included some very funny answers from the all-time winner at that point Janet Finn. Married dancers Elaine Joyce and Bobby Van made occasional appearances together from 1973 through 1975, including the week in 1973 where they sat next to each other on the upper tier. Richard Dawson tried to keep Gene from drooling over his then-girlfriend Jody Donvan when she sat with him on New Year's week 1976. Gene's beloved wife Helen occasionally turned up in the audience, including during one episode where Richard called her his fiancee. 

 No couple got more out of their appearances on the show than Betty White and Allen Ludden. They were already beloved on Password, and they had just as much fun during their first week together in 1975. Dolly Martin joined in to see Allen show off his fancy watch to anyone who would listen and go down for a talk with Gene when he said "I've had Betty" as a response to the Audience Match. The contestant said she'd belly dance if she won. The music department played the Star Spangled Banner instead, but that didn't stop Brett and Betty from demonstrating their own version of belly dancing! Allen and Betty made one final appearance in a nighttime episode in 1981 with Jimmie Walker and Jonnelle Allen. 

Along with Betty and Allen, the couple who appeared the most in syndication were Dolly and Dick Martin. They joined Nipsey Russell and Patti Deusch to witness the hilarious contestant who was so excited, she dragged Gene around the room. He hid behind his question holder after that! Nipsey, on the other hand, had no trouble running out for a squeeze! Even later on, Steve Allen and his wife Jayne Meadows appeared on one of the last weeks of Match Game-Hollywood Squares Hour in 1984.

Make a love match with some of the funniest couples to ever appear on game shows!

(Oh, and considering it poured off and on later in the day, I'm glad I called out.)

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