Monday, December 13, 2010

The Cookie Baking Begins

Started a cold, windy, partly cloudy day with a run to the laundromat. Surprisingly, it wasn't busy at all when I got there around 10. There was a family with a small child that kept crying and two older ladies. I had no problems getting a washer or a drier. I really didn't have that much laundry, either. I was in and out in a little over an hour.

After I got home and put the laundry away, I began the next phase of my holiday season - baking cookies! This may be one of my favorite parts of the Christmas season. I bake five kinds of cookies to give to adults and families as gifts and to bring to the Acme's Christmas party:

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip
Peanut Butter
Molasses Roll-Outs
Cherry Coconut Bars

The Oatmeal Chocolate Chip are the easiest and were the ones I did today. They come from the frequently used recipe I got out of Prevention Magazine last year. That recipe is so good, it should be shared.

It did, however, take longer to bake than I thought. I changed, left the cookies to cool, packed a dinner, and rushed to the Acme for today's shift. I made it just in time.

Work was mostly on-and-off busy and downright dead after 7. We did have a few annoying customers. One was that obnoxious guy who always insists everyone put the paper bags in the plastic bags for him (like that's so hard to do?) and then takes years to bag everything himself. The guy after him threw a fit because I told him he had to get his turkey weighed by the meat department so he could use his rain check for those 39 cent birds from Thanksgiving. He threw the turkey at me and took off so angry, I got upset. (And didn't give me the chance to tell him he had the wrong bird, anyway. That sale was for turkeys, not turkey breasts.) Thank goodness the people after HIM were really nice.

After all that, I was more than happy to spend the last two hours putting candy away. I didn't even mind it being dead, other than the time crawled something horrible.

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