Thursday, October 04, 2012

On the Telephone

I spent most of the day playing phone tag with various doctors. To make a long and annoying story short, now the Foot and Ankle Center is saying my foot is fractured, and I can't get a doctor's note until they look at it. The worst part is, they offered to look at it when I was there on Tuesday, but I said no. I was in a hurry - Rose was driving me - and I thought Dr. Manalis would cover everything. Nope, she said she's a general doctor.

As of right now, I'm going to see the Foot and Ankle Center again on Monday morning. I did notify the Acme that I wouldn't be in for definitely several days, if not weeks. They were cool about it - they have my disability papers out for when I can come and get them, which will have to be soon. I need to pick up my paycheck and swing by America's Best for contacts, my refrigerator is bare, and I have to deposit money from Mom in the bank.

Speaking of Mom, she called, too.  Turns out yes, she was with my sister and her son last night, and got in too late to talk to me then. We both apologized to each other - her for getting upset, me for not listening in the first place. I don't mean to be so frustrating and down on myself, but this is difficult for me. I don't have a lot of people I can talk to about it. I'm not really good at handling stress. I'm hard on myself because I want things to be better, but my fears just build and build, until I'm too frightened to do anything. I just want it all to go away on its own, so I don't have to go through all the calling and waiting and being stuck. As soon as I can get this whole thing with my foot sorted out, I need to talk to counselors...and fast.

I didn't want to call Rose. I've disrupted her life enough. As I've been reminded, my uncle just died, too. They're having their own problems, and I don't want to make things worse. I couldn't get through to Jodie, who is probably dealing with the funeral, so I did call her. Turns out Rose's car is in the shop anyway. She'll help if I can't get someone else.

I hated doing it, but I finally called Dad. He or Jodie will help tomorrow. I don't really want to disrupt anything with the funeral. I know things are crazy. I know they're mourning Uncle Ken. I am, too. I don't mean to make everything harder on everyone. I held off until Monday to get my foot looked at because I'd hoped it wasn't that bad, so I wouldn't disrupt everything and everyone could just get along with their life, including me.

I also worked on inventories today. Started the American Girl books. I have so many now, they're going to get their own list. I'll see what I can do with the children's book inventory tomorrow. It badly needs to be updated.

If I've sounded self-centered, especially in the event of Uncle Ken's death, well, I'm sorry, but a lot of overwhelming things have happened to me over the past week and a half. I don't mean to dismiss his death, or other people's feelings. I'm just not very good at dealing with all of this.

Ran the Winnie the Pooh Halloween special Boo to You, Too! during lunch and Pooh's Grand Adventure while having tilapia, sauteed cranberry beans, and Golden Mum Beets for dinner. Boo to You mainly revolves around Piglet. He's scared to come out on Halloween...until he thinks his friends are in danger.

Pooh's Grand Adventure is the first of several versions of "everyone looks for Christopher Robin." Pooh finds a note from Christopher Robin one morning in early fall and can't decipher it. Owl tells him it says that the boy is in "skull," and sends Pooh, Piglet, Rabbit, Eeyore, and Tigger to rescue their friend from the dreaded "skullasaurus." While the others learn that they are, indeed, up to the challenges of the journey,  Pooh discovers that true friends never really leave you if you keep them in your heart.

Silly, yet surprisingly bittersweet for Pooh. The unspoken assumption that Christopher Robin will someday grow up and leave his friends hangs over this story. You may want to have a comforting hand for your little ones near when Pooh sings the heartbreaking "Wherever You Are," and maybe even a tissue for yourself.

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