Sunday, June 06, 2010

Avoiding the Heat

Started off this morning fairly early. Jen wanted to leave at 9. She was headed to Maryland to visit Rodney Walker, a friend of ours from the WENN chats. I couldn't let her leave on an empty stomach. I made her Whole Wheat Pancakes topped with peach butter. She also had maple syrup. I had raspberry-flavored honey.

After Jen left, I really just spent the rest of the day hanging around the apartment, enjoying the quiet and the air conditioning after spending most of the week running around. I listened to the Brunch With the Beatles radio show. (Ironically, Let It Be, which I just bought on CD on Friday, was in the spotlight today.) I called Mom and talked about my vacation, my friends, and everything that I've done to get out of the rut I've been in for years...and all the things I have planned.

Work was busy most of the day. The Phillies and the Flyers both played tonight (neither won, darn it), and this is a big shopping day for many people who work during the week anyway. There were a few really obnoxious old ladies who kept repeating orders and telling me how to bag, but otherwise, I was in and out with no problems.

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