Thursday, May 16, 2024

Night of the No-Show Blues

Began a cloudy, windy morning with breakfast and Laff-a-Lympics. This time, we started off in Florida, where the Really Rottens actually managed to win the swamp buggy race semi-fairly. That was the last time they'd win anything during the entire episode. They played the cartoon physics game and used two Mumblys during the waterskiing contest, but their attempt at sabotaging the car rally backfired. They did even worse in the rickshaw race in Hong Kong when their vehicle fell apart. Grape Ape won gymnastics by a long shot, while the Rottens made use of a magnet and their octopus friend for ping pong. 

Rushed out to hit Sprouts before my interview and the high school kids got out for lunch. I didn't need much anyway. I was mainly there for produce. Strawberry containers were two for four, while mandarin oranges were two pounds for a dollar. Also grabbed coconut milk and vegan chocolate chip cookies on clearance. The Olipop sodas that are supposedly good for digestion come in some really unique flavors. I never saw banana cream or strawberry vanilla soda before. They were also two for four, so I thought I'd try them.

(And while I haven't gotten to the strawberry vanilla yet, I can vouch that the banana cream really does taste like bananas.)

Rushed home and went online to do some research on Bear Paddle Swim School in Marlton. Listened to that Blues record I picked up last Saturday while I worked. Diplomat was a low-budget imprint in the 50's that mainly seemed to specialize in releasing big band covers of popular showtunes, but they aimed slightly higher here. Side one features a nice "I've Got a Date With Rhythm" by Billy Eckstine and Sarah Vaughan's lovely "It Might as Well Be Spring." Side two is given over entirely to Phil Flowers; his best number is "Walkin' at Night."

Karen picked me up at 12:10. After a stop at the Haddon Township Library so she could use the bathroom, we headed up to Marlton. Trouble is, neither of us know the area well, and we had a hard time finding the school. We thought it might have been in one of the shopping centers or industrial parks. By the time we figured it was tucked away just off the main road in its own building, it was five minutes past 1. 

There was one other car in the lot when we finally arrived. She knocked on the windows and I looked around, but there was no one there. I could see child-sized furniture and a really nice pool area inside, but the doors remained locked. We tried to find someone for ten minutes, but no one responded. Disappointed, we finally headed back out. She drove back through Cherry Hill and Haddonfield, dropping me off at home around quarter of 2. 

Went back out again for lunch to make myself feel better after that mess. Had lunch at Jalapeno's Bar and Grill a few blocks down the White Horse Pike. There were only two other groups there when I came in, college students having lunch with their grandparents in a booth and two friends sitting at a table. At least their table service has gotten quicker over the last few years. The huge and tasty shrimp burrito and salad arrived in no time. 

Stopped at WaWa for dessert on the way back. Tried a small chocolate birthday cake smoothie. Disappointing, compared to the strawberry and vanilla birthday cake smoothies. Didn't taste much like chocolate or birthday cake. All I tasted was sugar. The weather as I strolled home wasn't pleasant, either. It was chilly, gray, and windy all day. It showered lightly while Karen and I drove to Marlton and would continue to spit off and on for the rest of the afternoon.

Went straight into Tick...Tick...Boom! on Netflix when I got home. I go further into this semi-biography of Rent creator Johnathan Larson at my Musical Dreams Movie Reviews blog.

After the movie ended, I switched to job searching while watching The Wild Wild West. In "The Night of the Infernal Machine," Jim West (Robert Conrad) ends up guarding a judge whose life was threatened by a clockmaker who created some extremely effective bombs. His partner Artie dresses as a chef to get the lowdown on who wants to take the judge out and why.

Worked on writing for a while next. Kathleen is shocked when she discovers the earthy older woman is Mother Nature, who knows her by name. She knows everything that goes on in the natural world, including with humans. She also knows the rabbit, who is not what he appears to be...

Broke for dinner at 7 PM. Ate while watching Match Game '78. Gene kicks things off by admiring Brett's simple black shirt and pearls outfit, which leads into a round of racy Encino jokes. Richard has a rougher time with "Divide and ___" in the Head-to-Head. By the time of the final episode of the week, Gene was combating a sore throat that made him sound like he was swallowing gravel. Richard has more fun playing with Jo Ann Pflug's earring.

Finished the night with another record find from Saturday, the two-disc Benny Goodman All Time Greatest Hits set. I couldn't resist this collection of some of the most famous songs associated with the King of Swing. "One O'Clock Jump" and "Sing Sing Sing" may be the most iconic; other good numbers include "Jersey Bounce," "Don't Be That Way," "A String of Pearls," "After You've Gone," and "Why Don't You Do Right?" 

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