Friday, February 25, 2011

Spring Comes Thundering In

I never did get to yoga today. It was pouring cats, dogs, and chickens when I got up this morning. The downpour didn't really end until around 11. I spent the morning reading and doing things online instead.

By 12:30, the rain had taken a temporary leave of absence. I grabbed my coat and went outside...and went right back inside to change into my lighter spring coat. It had to be at least 60 degrees, too warm and much too humid for this time of the year.

I just strolled around the neighborhood. The rain had done it's work. Only a very few small piles of slushy snow remained from this winter's storms. There were signs of spring everywhere. I saw the first green grass in lawns and green shoots in front gardens. When I came home, I looked out at Miss Ellie's garden under my porch and noticed that her daffodils are starting to come up, too.

I was only out from 12:30 until 1...and that was enough. Twenty minutes after I went inside, we got our second heavy storm of the day. This time, it came complete with thunder and lashing wind. I was very happy to be inside, watching Good Eats episodes and making leftover chicken, peas, brown rice, and Brussels sprouts for lunch.

I had great timing with the weather today. The storm ended just in time for me to pack up and head to work. It also cleared out the Acme. Work was so quiet tonight, I spent an hour and a half after my break doing returns, and an hour before it putting candy away.

I didn't have quite as much grocery shopping as I had in the last few weeks to do after I finished. For one thing, now that I'm trying to eat better, I'm no longer buying boxes of granola bars or the smaller containers of yogurt. I bought one big container of plain nonfat yogurt and will mix that with honey or fruit and spoon it into small containers to eat instead. I also decided I wanted to try sparkling mineral water to drink; went with Poland Spring and bought a lemon and lime to squeeze. Winter is the season for citrus and greens; I picked up collard greens, tangerines, oranges, and grapefruit, as well as strawberries and broccoli on sale.

I seriously regretted wearing my blue spring jacket to work instead of my black winter coat. It was much colder and windier when I headed home. I had a hard, blustery ride.

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