Thursday, April 07, 2011

Family Balance

I overslept and was almost late for yoga class! Ironically, the class ended up being not THAT full. Karin wasn't feeling well, so Micki worked on hip and shoulder openers and shoulder stands with us.

I generally like the classes, but I need to start focusing on the more positive aspects while I'm there. I tend to obsess over being as good as everyone else. I'm overweight and I'm not as flexible as others who take these classes are. I often feel that I'm just not as good as they are, which isn't true. It's hard to reverse a lifetime of feeling the need to compete with everyone from my sisters to my classmates. I never feel like I'm as good as the next person.

After class, I went over to the Collingswood Library. There was a small pile of DVDs to file and shelve. I did some rearranging, but for once, it wasn't too bad. This morning's chilly weather must have scared off some of the usual Storybook Hour crowd. I didn't see as many kids as usual on a Thursday morning.

I went home via Newton River Park. The sun was just starting to come out after a cloudy, cool morning. Thankfully, the wind finally died out last night. I had a very pleasant ride.

After a brief stop at CVS, I rode by Dad and Uncle Ken's to see if anyone was home. Dad was, as it turned out. He told me he was going to take my sister Rose and her boyfriend Craig out for dinner at the Oaklyn Manor Bar down the street. Today is Rose's birthday, and she's usually so busy, she doesn't get a chance to celebrate it! Dad said she let Craig's mother babysit their son Khai and opted for a day with her family.

I was supposed to meet them at Dad and Uncle Ken's house at 5, and it was 1:30. That gave me plenty of time to do chores at home. I had half of a turkey and spinach sandwich on rye for lunch. I dusted the bedroom, which finished this month's cleaning. I finally got around to putting up the Easter decorations. I baked an Orange Chiffon Loaf Cake for Rose and signed the card I bought her on Tuesday.

Of course, when I went over to Dad and Uncle Ken's at 5 after a nice walk, they weren't ready yet. Rose was in the shower, and Jodie had only just gotten home from work. I went back to my apartment and worked on Wishcraft exercises until quarter after 6, when I walked down to the Oaklyn Manor Bar on my own. Just minutes after I arrived, Dad's white van turned a corner and headed down West Clinton.

We had a good time. I kept knocking over drinks. I knocked over my own and Rose's. I'm a little tired; I was up late last night with Lauren. We talked about the owners of the bar over the years, and about how the Phillies are doing. (They creamed the Mets this afternoon, 10-0. Rose, Craig, and Dad are huge baseball fans.)

We had a cake that Jessa made for Rose at Dad and Jodie's house. Dad and I talked about my job options. When Rose and Jodie came back inside from their own chat, Dad and Jodie talked about home ownership with Rose and Craig. Rose and Craig live in a small apartment in Audubon that didn't really fit them, two dogs, and a cat very well...and certainly doesn't work for a baby.

Jodie drove me home. She was worried that I haven't been over there much lately. Part of it is simply I'm not over there as often in the winter, after football's done but before Dad opens the pool and people start congregating for parties. I don't want to do my laundry over there, either. It's a lot easier and faster for me to do it at the laundromat. There's been some tension between the members of the household, too. And Dad just told me Uncle Ken isn't feeling well. Not to mention, I'm still trying to figure a lot of things out on my own.

I did promise Jodie I'd try to visit at least once a week. And it sounds like Jodie's getting burned out on her Campbell's Soup job. She says she's not happy there anymore. Maybe some else I know can finally relate to how I feel about the Acme!

(I will be going over there for Easter. Apparently, everyone's going over to Uncle Ken's for Easter this year, which is a lot more convenient for me.)

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