Thursday, September 03, 2009

End-Of-Summer Balance

Tried the first Thursday 9:30 Yogawood class today. I was one of only two people who did. First of all, the class is brand new. It may not have been well-advertised. Second, many students started school today. The mothers who normally come in the morning were concentrating on getting their kids together for the big day instead. Third, we're coming up on Labor Day weekend, and anyone who isn't going back to school may have already left town or was getting ready to do so. The other woman was an older lady whose youngest child had just gone off to college, and she needed something to take her mind off empty nest feelings.

We mostly worked on standing poses, like Warrior. I'm not bad at Warrior, but sometimes, I just can't seem to get my arms or legs in the right places. They always seem to want to stick out.

Browsed in the library and the Collingswood Variety Store after class let out, then went to the Friends In Deed Thrift Shop to say "hi" to Erica and see if she had anything good. I didn't find anything interesting there, so I headed home. Spent the rest of the morning baking Double Ginger Cookies. I put too much molasses in to make up for being out of brown sugar.

I had time to make a summer vegetable and cheese omelet for lunch after the cookies were done and enjoy the gorgeous weather we're still having. It was a little cloudy this morning, but it cleared nicely by the time I was working on my cookies and was pleasantly in the upper 70s again.

Work was very busy. This was hardly surprising. Not only is it the beginning of the month, but as I mentioned, many kids return to school today, and anyone who isn't preparing for school is getting ready for the Labor Day Weekend. I was in and out with no problems other than a lot of sneezing. My nose has been misbehaving for most of this afternoon, running like crazy no matter how many allergy pills I take.

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