Monday, September 07, 2009

Hard Labor Day

First of all, Happy Labor Day to all Americans! I hope you didn't have to work.

My Labor Day didn't start out so bad. It was still cloudy and cool, but it never rained. Had hot oat bran cereal for breakfast and watched cartoons. Went down to Miss Ellie's side of the house to see how she wanted the sticks done tomorrow. She said to just pile them up and let neighbors take care of the rest. It's a really big job. Thanks to the recent storms, there's huge sticks all over the place. I'll do it tomorrow, while the laundry's in the dryer.

I wish I'd stayed with Miss Ellie. Work was a total zoo. There were lines across the aisles, even with half the registers open. I guess that's what happens when it suddenly drops to 75 degrees on Labor Day. There's nothing for anyone to do but shop! Not to mention, most kids are starting school, if not tomorrow, then sometime this week.

It was a royal pain in the rear end. People were cranky. People were annoying. The lines were so long, I panicked and was hard on myself all day. There's a sale on Coke where you have to buy four 12 packs of soda cans and one 6 packs of bottles...but the coupon for the sale doesn't state this clearly. More than three-quarters of the people who did that sale brought five 12 packs, not bothering to read the slightly smaller print that said "must buy bottles and 12 packs." Many people were not happy with that, either. People get so touchy about their soda.

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