Monday, September 28, 2009

Storms Passing Through

I was still in bed at 10 when the Acme tried to call me in. Someone had called out, and they wanted me in at 11. Uh, no. I was up late last night and really wanted to sleep. I appreciate the extra hours, but I hadn't even had breakfast yet!

After I did finally drag myself out of bed and ate and got dressed, I mostly did chores around the apartment. I shook out the rag rug in my bedroom. I made the bed. (I don't often do that. Who's going to see it?) I vacuumed. I got the rebate from X-Men Origins: Wolverine together (though I forgot to send it - I'll do it tomorrow).

After a lunch of home-made chicken salad, I headed to work. I could see why they'd tried to call me in. Work was incredibly busy for a Monday, thanks to this being the end of the month and the last day of a 4-day sale. It was still busy when I left.

Though it was gorgeous this morning, dark clouds were starting to gather in the sky even as I rode to work, and it was very windy. They reached critical mass around 5PM. I was in the register then and didn't get to see the storm, but it must have been a doozy. Our computer system went down for the last hour and a half of my shift.

Thankfully, the rain had slowed down by 7. It was still lightly raining as I rode home, though nothing soaking. I don't think it's even doing that now.

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