Thursday, April 26, 2012

Balance on a Library Day

It was still cloudy and surprisingly warm when I headed out to Collingswood for this week's yoga class. The class was a little more full than last Thursday, though still nowhere near as much as usual. We once again concentrated on Earth Day-based moves, mainly standing poses and back bends. I can actually do bridge poses fairly well now, but I still can't quite get wheel.

A small shower was just ending as I made my way to the Collingswood Library. Not a whole lot going on over there. I shelved a small stack of DVDs and Wii titles and organized the shelves, mainly concentrating on comedies, action, and the kids' section. There was nothing to do upstairs and no more DVDs coming, so I just headed out early.

I heard someone on local radio station B101 this morning say that Philly Pretzel Factory, an area fast-food franchise specializing in soft pretzels, was giving away free pretzels today in honor or Pretzel Day. There just happens to be a Philly Pretzel Factory about four blocks from the Collingswood Library, next-door to the post office. It smelled wonderful when I walked in; a worker was just putting a new tray of pretzels in the oven, and more being pulled out of another. I got a diet root beer and a soft, chewy, very warm pretzel and only paid for the root beer.

Stopped at the Oaklyn Library on my way home to get my session in there. (I plain ran out of time for it last week.) Not much to do there, either. The DVDs really needed to be done, but the kids' section wasn't that bad. I reorganized some series novels and picture books. Moved a few Easy Readers over to the shelves they're on now.

There was a long, heavy box waiting on the front porch for me when I arrived home. The new bookshelf I ordered from had arrived! I didn't really have enough time to put it together, though. That'll wait for tomorrow. I did bake Tangelo Muffins (to get rid of the old tangelos whose peels were getting hard) and had a nice lunch of leftovers while listening to records.

Work was a pain in the rear. I was in the express lane, and we're getting close to the beginning of the month. A lot of people have gotten or will be getting their government money soon. Sometimes I feel like people think of me as nothing but a servant. It was steady through about 7PM, after which it died so quickly, I spent my last hour being bored. I was in and out with no major problems.

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