Thursday, July 05, 2012

Balance On a Steamy Day

It was already in the 90s and climbing when I struggled out of bed this morning for this week's yoga class. The class was pretty quiet. There were only nine people, counting the teacher Karin - practically dead for the Thursday morning class. We had plenty of room to work on hip-openers and pigeon "lay on the leg" poses. I can do pigeon fine by now, but even with a strap, I had a hard time lifting my leg behind me.

Volunteering at the Collingswood Library went better. A lot of people must have been renting movies to amuse them indoors while avoiding the heat. For the first time in ages, I had lots to file and shelve. It was very busy, too. I dodged quite a few people while organizing the DVDs. There wasn't anything to do upstairs; I didn't stay there for long.

Made a brief stop at WaWa for milk, water, and a pretzel, then rode home. I forgot that the last can of seafood was crab CLAWS, not chunk meat. Oh, well. I had claws and leftovers for lunch while watching more Stooges and taking down the 4th of July decorations.

Shemp was at the height of his tenure as the third Stooge between 1949 and 1951, and some of these are as good as anything done with Curly. "The Ghost Walks" and "Who Done It?" are hilarious spoofs of supernatural and suspense stories. "Fuelin' Around" gives oft-neglected "middle Stooge" Larry a chance to shine when he's mistaken for a professor who has created a new rocket fuel. "Vagabond Loafers," despite its title, has the Stooges working as plumbers at a society house who foil the theft of a priceless work of art. "Malice at the Palice" takes the Stooges to ancient Arabia, where they somehow retrieve a priceless diamond from a nefarious Emir dressed as Santa Clauses.

Around 2PM, I was about to do the dishes when I realized there was no water coming out of the tap in the kitchen. It made a faint gurgle, but nothing flowed. The sink in the bathroom wasn't working, either. I wasn't even going to attempt the toilet! I tried calling Andrew; got his answering machine. I thought his brother might have been working on the plumbing. I even went over to Andrew's to ask him if he knew what was going on; no one was home. The water was working and the toilet flushing again when I came back.

(Linda called while I was on my way to work. It seems the trouble was caused by the men working on the street a block down Manor Ave, and effected the whole street. She said it wasn't supposed to come back on until 4. It's working just fine now. I saw the work crew when I rode home, and I actually didn't think anything of it at the time.)

Work was busy. It was busier than yesterday, especially during rush hour. A lot of people must have put off shopping yesterday because of the holiday. It's still the beginning of the month, too. Some people may not have gotten their money until now. Other than we were short on help, there were no major problems.

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