Wednesday, December 12, 2007

And That's What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown

Didn't do a whole lot today. Mostly worked on editing this month's role play, which we began last weekend. We sorta got lost in the story and had to discuss some things last night; we'll continue this evening.

I watched Voyagers this morning before work. Bogg and Jeff found themselves fleeing the Civil War and London pickpockets in "The Day The Rebs Took Lincoln." They land in 1863 to discover Lincoln was captured by Confederate spies and never made the Gettysburg Address, so the two go back in time to stop the kidnapping. On the way, a malfunctioning Omni drops them in 1823 London, where they have to steal it back from pickpockets and run into Charles Dickens on their way.

Work was annoying again. Between the wintry weather reports (they're calling for a mix, especially Sunday) and people coming out of work or Christmas shopping in the mall behind the store, it was steady-to-busy, with a lot of annoying, rude people. I wish these people would really learn to organize better, not to mention read and bag their items. They yell at their kids and stare at me and at the screen like I'd deliberately ring something up wrong, then won't even move a muscle to help bag when there's nothing wrong with them or yell at their kids to do it. The kids are no saints; they yell back, or grumble, or whine.

I picked up a few items for friends after work. It took me longer than I thought it would; I couldn't find much for birds! This does, however, conclude my Christmas shopping. If someone pops up unexpectedly, they're getting something from CVS or Family Dollar. My packages and cards will go out Friday.

I needed a shot of Christmas spirit when I got home, so I watched A Charlie Brown Christmas during a quick leftovers dinner. There's nothing like good ol' Chuck and his little tree to make you feel all Christmasy inside. I have "Charlie Brown Christmas" on DVD (along with the second Peanuts Christmas special, It's Chrstmastime Again, Charlie Brown). I can certainly relate to Chuck's quandary. I went through a lot of the same thing at his age, feeling left out of Christmas goings-on and out of place when I was invited to join, and wanting to feel that Christmas was just more than grab, grab.

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