Thursday, September 04, 2008

Tell Everybody I'm On My Way

Thank goodness today was the last day of actual work before vacation! (I am going to go to the Acme tomorrow, but just to get my paycheck and buy a few things to eat on the bus ride up there.) It was steady-to-busy, no real major problems other than some obnoxious beginning-of-the-month customers. While few regular customers noticed my contacts, a lot of my co-workers did, and their praise was so sweet. Everyone says I look really good with them.

My relief showed up on time, allowing me to run home, take my contacts out (I'm only allowed to wear them for a few hours each day - I'm supposed to gradually build my eyes' tolerance for them), grab my laundry basket, and run over to Uncle Ken's to do my last laundry load before I leave. Rose and Dad were chatting on the porch when I arrived. I was glad to see Rose. She was very much awake and fairly happy and full of stories of Costa Rica and how different it is there. Dad was dead tired. He, Mark, and Uncle Ken had apparently spent the day trying to keep one of the side porch step railings from wobbling. Dad tried everything from a pick axe to a pole to dent the rotted concrete and, according to him, only found more rotted concrete.

After Rose left to help a classmate with a school project, I spent the rest of the evening playing Super Smash Bros Brawl with Jessa. For those of you who aren't big video game fans, the Super Smash Bros series is basically a massive crossover of just about every important character Nintendo owns, from Mario to Link to a couple of Pokemon, and even some never seen in America, like little Ness and Lucas. Each character "battles" with their own unique moves, against a backdrop representing one of the main characters (i.e, castles from Legend of Zelda, cartoony platforms from Mario Bros, jungles from Donkey Kong Country, spaceships from StarFox, etc). Jess and I particuarly enjoyed playing Princess Peach (me) and Zelda (Jess) against Link and Mario!

1 comment:

Tina said...

You should buy a disposable digital camera and take photos so we can see your new slim, glamorous self ;).