Friday, May 13, 2016

Rain, Rain, Go Away...and Stay Away

Began with early work for the second day in a row. This time, I only spent about a hour rounding up carts, and another one doing returns. I spent most of the morning and early afternoon in the register. One of the cashiers called out, and we were busy on and off. Maybe it's just as well. It was just cloudy when I rode in, but by half-way through my shift, it had started showering. The rain was coming down at a pretty good clip when I was finished.

My schedule isn't too bad this week. Fewer hours, but they're all either morning or mid-afternoon. Monday and Tuesday off this time, Tuesday for counseling. While a few more hours would be nice, and an early day on Saturday means I'll have to miss the Collingswood Farm Market, this is otherwise perfectly normal for this time of the year.

Didn't have a really big grocery order this week. I was mostly taking advantage of one of the Acme's occasional Mega Mix Sales that let you buy six of a wide variety of items and get three dollars off. I stocked up on tuna, cooking oil, an 18-pack of eggs, yogurt, and ground turkey that way. Needed grapefruit and pears; any other vegetables, I'll grab tomorrow. Also restocked canned pineapple, skim milk, thin pads, and peanut butter. The Acme is still getting rid of its older generic brands. I picked up spatulas and a small strainer on huge clearances.

When I got home, I put everything away, then worked on writing for a while. That night, Leia's having a hard time sleeping. Her mind is still on Han, the Rebels, and what happened in Bespin. When she does finally drift off, she has a nightmare about Han being blind and trapped by Jabba's ugly daughters, and her being unable to call out to him. She's dragged away, first by a wrinkly hand, then by a familiar demon figure..

She wakes up screaming the next morning. Luke, Cecil, and Arthur are all by her side, concerned. She can't stay any longer. She knows Jabba must be doing something to Han. Luke stays to forge a sword, but the two do take the time to make a plan before she leaves. After she and Cecil head on their way, Arthur sees some metal cups and figure out how to fix Luke's hand.

(Incidentally, the rain finally ended and the sun came out around 5. Hopefully, it'll stay like that for a while. I want to hit the Farm Market and check around for yard sales tomorrow.)

Finished the night with Cincinatti Chili for dinner. After Silk Stockings ended, I ran Garfield's Feline Fantasies while cleaning up from dinner. Garfield's day is filled with wild daydreams, from awakening Jon with a magic act to parodying Airport on a hutch. No matter how crazy things get, Jon's always there to save the day...but can he get them out of a spy spoof that has Odie and Garfield searching for the Banana of Bombay?

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