Sunday, November 18, 2007

Pumpkins and Cranberries...and Little Brothers, Too

First of all...happy birthday to my little brother Keefe, who is 15 today. I can't believe he's fifteen. I called him and Mom this morning to say "hi" and wish him a happy day. He seemed pretty happy. He was in the Halloween Parade in Cape May last month, playing drums with his school marching band, and loved it. Like me, he was never a big trick-or-treat fan, so this was his big Halloween thing.

He said he'd already gotten a call from my stepdad, who is out fishing...and he sang for him. This would be less of a problem if Dad had a decent voice, but he's terrible. He has no sense of pitch whatsoever. I told Keefe it could have been worse. He could have been live.

Most of my day was spent at work (as most of this week but Thanksgiving day will be). A few obnoxious or stressed customers, but nothing bad. It was busy, but busy on-and-off, with some surprising downtime given we're coming up on the biggest food holiday of the year in America.

Oh, yes, and it seems the Eagles did win today, 17-7... but the victory might have been a little sweeter if they hadn't been playing the Miami Dolphins, who were 0-9 going into this game.

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Tina said...
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