Thursday, May 03, 2007

Setting Goals

First of all, I'm cutting back on volunteering. I'll still help at the thrift shop, but for part of the day instead of the whole day. It's not that I don't like it, but I really don't need all the junk I buy there, there are other things I need to do on weeks when I only have one day off, and while I like most of the volunteers, I'd really like to do other things, too.

I really, really want to lose weight, and make sure it stays off this time. I'd like to lose at least 100 of that 240 pounds by the end of next year.

I'd like to, within the next two weeks, finally lose one pound.

Within the next two months, lose ten pounds.

By next fall, go on a job interview at a place that requires a suit and doesn't involve cash registers.

Try to look into other club options - reading, writing, swimming - by the end of the summer.

Try to eat more sugar-free and lower-fat foods. Not just regular foods that come in low-fat and sugar-free options, but foods that are naturally that way.

Read more about health, fitness, yoga, and diets.

I want to find an idea of what I want to look like. That may be easy for other people who know what it's like to be a normal size, but I've been overweight since I was about nine or ten. I have no idea what I'd look like as a thinner adult.

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