Thursday, June 09, 2011

Balance In the Heat

It was already in the 90s when I headed out at 9 this morning for this week's yoga class. Karin smartly kept us on the ground. We focused on twists, lifting poses, and back stretches. I can twist ok, mostly, but I still can't get on my head.

Went right to the Collingswood Library next. There was a small pile of DVDs to put away, though it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I'm assuming the hot weather's scared a lot of people into staying home.

Including me. As soon as I finished at the library, I went straight back to the apartment. Spent the rest of the afternoon having lunch and updating my CD inventory. I finished updating the record inventory last night. As of press time, I have over 330 records! I had no idea I had that many.

The sun was blazing and still hot, hot, hot when I headed to work. I left a little early in order to ride slowly. Heat waves are no time to be rushing.

Work wasn't too bad. It was quiet-to-steady for most of the night, except during rush hour. We did have some problems with gift cards not wanting to ring up correctly, but other than that, everything went fine. It was so dead when I finished, I was able to leave slightly early.

That was a good thing. Dark clouds were building up behind me, nipping at my heels as I raced home. The hot breeze from early had turned into a raging wind. Dust and debris flew at me from all directions. I got in as quickly as I could...and it was just in time. Ten minutes after I made it in, I peered out the door and saw lightening. The storm didn't last long, but it did produce sorely-needed rain. In fact, as long as I'm not out in it, I hope we get more. It hasn't really rained in ages.

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