Sunday, March 22, 2015

Not-So-Smooth Work

I was up so late last night, I slept until 11:30! I didn't get to my breakfast of Banana-Raisin Pancakes until almost 12:30. I listened to a couple of records as I ate and went over some cookbooks for ideas for a Crock Pot meal for tomorrow. My favorite was the soundtrack from The Boy Friend. I don't know why MGM felt the need to add two of its standards to the tunestack (especially given that they didn't add much to the story), but otherwise, this is a fairly faithful rendering of the original score. The title song and "It's Never Too Late to Fall In Love" are especially fun.

Work was busy through most of the evening, and not everyone was pleasant about it. One woman absolutely threw a fit the moment I tried to help her by wrapping up her rotisserie chicken so the plastic container wouldn't leak. She claimed I was being nasty before I even opened my mouth! I was trying to help. I still don't know what I did wrong. She's thrown a fit at me for no reason before. The woman behind her said I hadn't done anything wrong and was fine, but I don't want people to be angry.

I couldn't wait to get out of there. Thankfully, by 7 PM, it had slowed down to the point that I could shut down with no relief. It was a really nice day today. Though it was chilly and windy, the warm sun continued to melt the remaining snow. By the time I was heading home, there was just the barest bits of snow remaining in shady spots, and nothing on the roads or sidewalks.

I listened to Michael Jackson as I made tuna salad on a bed of spinach topped with cherry tomatoes for dinner. I watched Moonwalker on YouTube last night. It was a strange movie even when I was a kid, and it's even weirder now that Jackson has passed on and is pretty much considered the poster child for "love 'em or can't stand 'em." It also features just about every cliche that was prominent during the late 80's, from drug dealers as random bad guys to a prominent Claymation sequence to the "what the heck is this?" Transformers scene. We taped it off cable somewhere around 1989, and we did actually watch it quite a bit, but we were also all big Jackson fans at the time.

Most of the songs in the movie come from the album Bad, so that's what I listened to tonight. "Smooth Criminal" is the most famous. I still think of the amazing 30's dance number whenever I hear that song.

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