Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Perfect Fall Weather

It was such an absolutely gorgeous fall day, I began it with a walk. I returned Felicity and High School Musical to the Oaklyn Library. There was a gaggle of kindergardeners and their teacher in the children's section when I arrived. A little girl and two boys noticed the High School Musical DVD under my arm and asked if I liked it. I said yes, I was surprised, but I had ended up liking it. They told me how much they'd liked the music and singing the songs. Just goes to show how far-reaching that movie is, since none of these kids were over six.

The kids were absolutely adorable, and no, I didn't mind them being noisy. I wasn't there for very long, anyway. As soon as they checked out their books and left, I took out my movies for the rest of the week, To Kill A Mockingbird with Gregory Peck and the direct-to-video Winnie The Pooh holiday special Winnie The Pooh's Seasons Of Giving. The latter is out-of-print but features the wonderful Pooh Thanksgiving special, so I was glad to find it. I've never seen or read Mockingbird, not even in high school, so I figured it was time to change that.

It was a chilly but seasonal morning, barely in the lower 50s. Most of the kids were bundled up like Randy in A Christmas Story already, but I just opted for my tan jacket and the long red scarf Mom knitted for me in 2002 and was fine. The leaves are finally beginning to turn colors; some of the smaller trees are blazing in magnificent shades of yellow, gold, brick red, and fire orange. I walked over the tracks and down to Kendall Boulevard. I considered going to the playground behind the elementary school, but school was in session and I didn't want to cause any trouble.

I spent the rest of the afternoon playing with Miles, my WebKinz. I've been trying to earn more money to buy him a second room, probably a bathroom. I'm getting good at some of the games, notably Cash Cow (a variation on the original Dr. Mario) and Hungry Pig (a much cuter Pac Man). I just rocked at Tile Towers. A machine in the laundromat around the corner from my apartment in Wildwood had another version of that game, and I got pretty good at it over the years whenever I had a spare quarter. I'm starting to get better at Quizzy's Word Challenge, too - took me a few games to get the gist. Oh, and I'm also good at Candy Bash 2. (I'm terrible at the original - never was good with Pong-style games.)

Miles still seems pretty happy. I bought him a pair of pajamas for when he sleeps and am seeing how he likes various foods, both junk and good for you.

I'm not going to be online tonight, since I have late work. Everyone have a great night!

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