Saturday, November 08, 2008

This Is The Way We Bake Our Bread

It was a very quiet day today. I spent the morning at work, which was very busy, with no major problems. I bought salsa after I finished (I used up the last of my old bottle with last night's quesadila), then headed home. This morning's weather was the same as yesterday's - damp, gloomy, cloudy, and slightly warm for this time of year. Everything was wet when I came out of work, so I assumed it rained while I was in there, but I got home dry long before the next shower began.

I spent the rest of the afternoon working on editing the Monkees role-play (look for that this weekend or early next week), watching the 1961 Disney Babes In Toyland, listening to records (finally got around to the election-themed One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band), and baking rye bread. Alas, my bread didn't rise enough. It's edible, just a tad flat. I think the water I dissolved the yeast in was too hot.

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