Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Chilly Valentine

First of all, a very happy Valentine's Day to all of those who celebrate it! I wish I could celebrate Valentine's more, but alas, I have no one to give me candy and flowers but me. I compensated with two romantic Sailor Moon S episodes this morning and a Tiny Toons Adventure episode about the Tiny Toons' junior prom.

I also caught Strawberry Shortcake and Care Bears - seems CBS moved them back an hour and put Strawberry first. Strawberry's episode fit in with Valentine's Day. She and her friends filled time on a rainy day by putting on a performance of "Cinderella"...and learning a lesson about beauty being only skin deep in the process.

The Care Bears were less lovey-dovey. Grumpy Bear reluctantly learns to ride a bike with the help of his friends and a human girl, MacKenna, in the first story. The second story revolved around True Heart and Love-A-Lot's attempt to start an online newspaper.

The Acme called while I was running the second Sailor Moon episode. Marlene wanted me to come in as soon as possible. Ok...but I really needed to get my errands done first. My first stop was Dad's house to drop of Jessa's birthday present and everyone's Valentines. The door was open but no one seemed to be home, so I just dropped them on the kitchen counter and left. Maybe they went to visit Uncle Ken in the hospital.

Next it was off to the White Horse Pike to buy stamps and send off my bills. The dentist's office is a block from the post office, so I quickly left her bill in her mailbox. The bank is on the next block after the dentist, so that was my next destination. As it turns out, they'd need $1,000 to open a CD. Sorry, I need that $1,000 in the bank to pay bills and my rent. I just put the full amount in my account, paycheck and tax return. Maybe I'll open a savings account in the spring.

I made another quick stop at WaWa for milk before heading home. I grabbed lunch and carrot sticks for a snack, then went to work. I got in a little early, around 1. It makes more sense anyway, since I worked until 6. It was even crazier than yesterday, but I slept better and was in a better mood, as were most of my customers. Most people bought the candy and flowers yesterday - today, we sold surf-and-turf dinners, with lots of fillet Mignon and shrimp. It was so busy, there were still long lines when I had to pick up a few things I'd forgotten - oatmeal, corn meal, sugar, and the $1.00 toothbrush sale - after work and took me twice as long as it should have.

It was generally cloudy and chilly all day, though thankfully not nearly as windy as a few days ago. It started sprinkling slightly on my way home. Much to my surprise, when I peeked out my windows about an hour or so later, it was snowing - not heavily, but it was still there. I don't think it's doing anything now.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Why not use any extra money to open a savings account now? Ask if your bank has any programs where they take a dollar or two out of your paycheck and put it directly to savings. You can just budget to do with one or two dollars less. If nothing else, start a Christmas Club account. (They do still have Christmas Club accounts, don't they?) There's no law that says you have to use the money to buy gifts! :-) Once it matures you can deposit some or all of it into savings.