Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Snow Fall

The snow was just beginning when I went to Dad's to do my laundry this morning, but it was too warm for it to stick to anything. The ground didn't get anything but wet. It's probably just as well. I was able to run to CVS and buy some sinus medicine. I stopped at the Oaklyn Library on the way back and bought The Sweetheart Season, which seems to be a kind of variation on the movie A League of Our Own - a mid-western woman who was in a woman's baseball team in 1947 tells the story to her daughter twenty years later. The women work for a cereal and flour mill that sounds a lot like General Mills, the maker of General Mills flour and Betty Crocker products, among other baking and food items. (They even have their own Betty Crocker, "Maggie Collins.")

By the time I went to work around quarter of 2, the snow still wasn't sticking, but it was coming down much harder and visibility was limited. I ended up getting a ride from Dad. I might have tried riding my bike if it the snow wasn't coming down so hard...and if it wasn't likely to stick later.

Dad made me think a bit about the Culinary School thing. I'd still like to look into it, but if possible, I'd like to avoid high-profile, high-stress jobs like being a chef in a major, busy restaurant...or on an ocean liner. I'd rather do something simple, maybe work for a smaller restaurant or a bakery. It's the same thing as with being a librarian. I don't want to do anything fancy. I just want to earn enough to live and maybe put a dollar or two away every month. I don't need a big house or tons of electronics - what would I do with them?

Work was quiet when I came in and when I left, but got very busy at rush hour, when everyone let out of work, saw the weather, and panicked. I'm glad all I needed after work was flour. I'll bet there's not a bottle of milk or a loaf of bread left in the whole store. (Or 6 packs of Canada Dry soda brands in cans - people were buying that 10 for $10 sale by the cart-loads today!)

Dad picked me up around 8. When I walked out of the Acme, I walked into a white world. Everything around me was white. The trees were covered with snow and seemed to melt into the grayish-white sky. The ground was nothing but white fluff, and the roads were getting pretty well-covered, too. It was really pretty, like a Christmas card. It's still snowing as I type this, and is supposed to continue into the morning. I think I can hear my neighbor attempting to shovel next-door.

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