Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I Can't Be Bothered Now

I was supposed to spend the morning beginning my spring cleaning with the kitchen and the bathroom. I only got to the bathroom. I slept late, then spent a lot of time reading Look Me In The Eye: My Life With Aspberger's, by John Elder Robison. It was the only book on Aspberger's I could find at the Haddon Township Library. (If nothing else, it makes me appreciate how much less dysfunctional my family is compared to John's, whose father was a raging alcoholic and whose mother was clinically insane.) I also received two job-hunting books from Lauren, What Color Is Your Parachute?.

Work was a monumental bore. Except for around 4-5PM it was dead, and even then it wasn't terribly busy. With many people recovering from an early Easter, there isn't much money to go around right now, even by people who get money and funds in the beginning of the month. At least it was a gorgeous spring day, in the mid-upper 50s, sunny and windless. I had a great ride to and from work. One of the boys who stock produce was able to fix my back bike breaks, too - apparently, they just popped off.

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