Monday, April 16, 2012

April Heat

I began the first really hot day of the year with a ringing phone. Yes, it was the Acme. Could I come in early? For once, no. I had to get to the laundromat. My sheets and all of my uniforms needed to be done badly.

It took me a lot longer to do that than I planned. I probably shouldn't have run the Tom and Jerry Chuck Jones cartoons at the same time. Jones took the cat and mouse over from fellow animator Gene Deitch and had a lot of fun with them. Both look much cuter than they had before or have since, and Tom now looks something like a cross between a blue mute Sylvester with thicker eyebrows and Wil E. Coyote. My favorite of this morning's shorts was "The Cat Above and the Mouse Below." Tom is an opera star doing a solo to a rapturous crowd; Jerry is the mouse who lives under the stage and doesn't appreciate the concert intruding on his beauty sleep. As you can imagine with these two, mayhem ensues.

The laundromat could have been worse when I arrived. There were a lot of people, but everything was open. I think I must have just missed the worst of it. Good thing, too. With the sheets added in, I had a lot of laundry to do and not a lot of time to do it in. I barely had the time to get it done, get home, put everything away, have a hasty lunch, change into my newly-washed uniform, and hurry off to work!

I'm not sure why I got called in this morning. It must have been much busier earlier in the day, before it got into the 80s. Rush hour was steady, but other than that, it wasn't that bad. I spent most of the second half of the night doing the mountains of returns sitting in carts.

It was so warm today, it was still warm when I left work. I broke out the fans for the first time since last October when I got in. Debated the air conditioner, but it's still a little early for that.

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