Began a sunny, clear morning with the first episode of my new Sailor Moon Super S set. The fourth season of the original show kicks off with "Meeting of Destiny: The Night Pegasus Dances." The Guardians are excited about a solar eclipse, but only Usagi notices the sudden appearance of a circus tent in the middle of Tokyo. The tent houses the Dead Moon Circus, who are searching for a Pegasus in people's "dream mirrors." When one of their performers, Tiger's Eye, attacks the Guardians' friend Unazuki, the Guardians spring into action...but Sailor Moon's wondering what's going on with her daughter when a mysterious Pegasus appears and upgrades her and Sailor Chibi Moon's powers.
Work was almost as much of a pain as yesterday. While I thankfully didn't end up in a register again, we're still in the midst of being reorganized. Not only are the aisles still clogged with people moving things, but they're throwing their trash into the trash can in the front entrance, filling it up so much, I had to change it twice on a day when we were largely dead. Not only that, but I found pieces of shelf in there that broke the bags and made a mess. Frankly, they should either bring their own trash bags, or take the trash bag into the back themselves. Not to mention, the head bagger did end up in the register, and I was largely on my own and doing everything again.
At least the weather was decent when I did make it out to do carts. While it was chilly, in the mid-30's, that's really what it's supposed to be at this time of year. We had no wind, snow, or even clouds, and I'll take that after the weird random squalls yesterday.
Rushed home as soon as I got out, then worked on writing for the rest of the afternoon. Marcia claims that the local inn isn't very good and offers her small cottage as a place for the group to stay. Richard gallantly offers to carry her books...and ends up with a stack of books up to his chin. He's glad for the books when they see a familiar - and unwanted - figure as they're heading out of the shop...
Broke for dinner at 5:30. I opted to go simple with baked chicken rubbed with spices, tri-colored pasta, and leftover broccoli and cauliflower with cheese. Watched the evening Match Game episodes on Buzzr while eating my elegant meal. Jack Albertson doesn't do so well in his final episodes, including accidentally blurting an answer and causing a question to be thrown out. "Sock It To Me" girl Julie Carnes and comedienne Jo Ann Worley have more luck in an episode from '74.
Finished the night after dinner and a shower with last year's version of Aladdin on Disney Plus. I go further into this remake of the animated film at my Musical Dreams Movie Reviews blog.
Aladdin (2019)
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