Monday, March 05, 2007

Chocolate Cures All Ills

Basically, my day today was something of a repeat of yesterday. I still can't get the record player that came with my Victrola to work - it always goes too slow or too fast, no matter how much I try to "balance" it. Many of my customers were still obnoxious - the complaints of the past few days still apply. And it was windy as heck tonight, too. It took me twice as long to ride home on the bike, which is a pain no matter how many calories I'm losing.

One good thing happened this evening that made up for a lot, though. I got a free 1-pound box of chocolate.

Let's flashback a little (screen gets wavy) back to Valentine's week to explain. The Acme had a huge sale on 1-pound boxes of Russell Stover's chocolates, $6.99 for a $9.99 box for Valentine's Day. We were also having a contest - the cashier who sold the most boxes won a $25 gift certificate to Victoria's Secret.

I don't know who won the gift certificate (it sure as heck wasn't me), but thanks to that massive ice storm we had, we didn't really sell much in the way of chocolate or anything else that week besides rock salt. We didn't even sell much during the usual post-holiday half-price sales. Big red heart-shaped boxes of chocolates have sat in the back for weeks.

Patrice, who is one of the head stock people, decided it was finally time to unload the last of those boxes of chocolates. She gave a bunch of flats of heart-shaped boxes to the cashiers and told us to give them away to whomever wanted them.

She didn't say this excluded employees. ; 0 )

Anyone want a chocolate? ; 0 )

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