Sunday, March 04, 2007

What Did I Do To Deserve This?

I'm so tired of working in the Acme. I like my co-workers a lot, and the store is nice, but the clientele is going to drive me clinically insane. Seriously, I'm sick of their fussiness. I was at work for four and a half hours and almost went crazy. People buy giant orders, then wait until the last minute to say 'Oops, I can't buy that, put that back.' They sit there and watch you bag when there's no bagger...or they yell at their kids to bag everything. They make a big deal out of nothing when there's the tiniest price discrepancy and hold up the line just because they didn't have enough sense to read the sale sign.

And I'm going to have to reschedule my counceling appointment AGAIN, because I was irresponsible and kept putting off asking for that day off until it was too late, and my rent is late and will continue to be late because I don't have enough in the bank to cover it and counceling.

What is wrong with me? What did I do to deserve all this?

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