Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rain Delays

Well, I WAS going to finish the raking this morning. There's one small square of land by Miss Ellie's driveway I hadn't gotten to yet. It was only raining a little when I began to rake, but it didn't even take ten minutes for the rain to come down harder. I just couldn't finish. I ended up leaving a pile of wet leaves in the side yard and heading back in the house to dry off. I spent the morning editing and uploading the next parts of this month's Monkees Role-Play story instead.

(And I'm going to add right here that this month's Monkees story was intended for the NaNoWrite program that encourages people to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. We've almost hit the goal, but we've had so much fun, we're just going to keep going until we run out of story or it gets closer to Thanksgiving, whichever comes first. The full story will be posted then.)

Needless to say, this was NOT a bike-riding day. I got a ride from Uncle Ken and Dolores both to and from work. It was still pouring when I got into work around 2:30. The weather must have been effecting people's moods this evening. There were a LOT of obnoxious, grouchy, fussy, and just plain cranky people in my line. I even saw that awful old woman with the frizzy hair who always makes trouble and gets everyone in line mad. While she didn't come through my line this time (thank goodness), no one deserves to handle an old witch like that.

Things weren't much better at home. I had trouble with WebKinz World for at least two hours. First, they wouldn't let me on at all, then they put out a sign claiming to be "full." Full of what? Posters all over the WebKinz forums were claiming they couldn't get in, either. The last time I checked at about 10 after 10PM, the sign-in screen was at least coming up...but by that time, I'd gotten so frustrated I'd given up on trying to get in myself.

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