Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm Tired

I was awaken at 6:30 by the ringing of the phone next to my bedside. Yup, it was the Acme. Could I come in at 10:30? There were call-outs. No. I'd come in, but not at 10:30. I was up until 1:30 last night! I slept until 9:30, then wrote in my journal and got dressed.

Ran Yogi the Easter Bear while making eggs and spinach salad for breakfast. Yogi gets into big trouble when he eats all of the candy Ranger Smith had for Jellystone Park's big Easter Jamboree. Yogi and Boo-Boo vow to bring back the real Easter Bunny to replace the goodies. The real Easter Bunny is in even more trouble than Yogi. A pair of dastardly villains have kidnapped him in order to make Easter safer for their plastic eggs. Will Yogi get the Easter Bunny and Chicken back to the park in time...and how will Ranger Smith explain the absence of eggs to his tough-guy boss and his grandchildren?

If you're a fan of Yogi like me, this is cute enough Easter viewing, and very in-line with the classic shorts. Not for anyone who isn't already a Hanna-Barbara fan already, though, or who can't stomach later H-B cartoons (I think this is actually from the 90s). It'll probably be on Boomerang or cable within the next week or so.

I did finally get into work by 11:30. Yes, we were busy when I came in, so the extra hours were not in vain. They still weren't fun, though. I was tired from my sudden wake-up and being up late the night before. There were several annoying old ladies who get fussy about how you bag.

Plus, that rule about having to call the managers for the store cards has changed yet again. Now we can't use the intercom to call the managers for the card or the key. I kept forgetting this morning and getting lectured about it. I wish it was easier to explain that the managers do have jobs besides hauling those darn cards up to our registers. They can't always be out front. Not to mention, shouting over people's heads is even less professional than the constant intercom calls, and it's rude, too. Why can't they just let us type the darn cards in again? If people want the cards, they'll get them.

Thank goodness it was quiet later in the day, quiet enough that I was able to shut down with a late relief. (Who had also been called in.) I wanted to use a coupon for I Can't Believe It's Not Butter while it was on sale and buy things to make a pudding pie for Easter. I went straight home after that.

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