Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Playing With the Kids

Started off with my 10-3 work day. It was pretty quiet, with no major problems...and it beat the heck out of working 5-10, which is what I've done on Wednesdays for the past two weeks. There was sun when I woke up, but clouds started to gather even as I rode to work. It remained hot and humid despite the dark clouds, though. I finally bought some buttermilk before heading home.

I'd planned on spending the rest of my rare afternoon off either on a long bike ride or swimming in Dad's and Uncle Ken's pool. Between the dark clouds and the fact that I hadn't had a good swim yet this year, I opted for the pool.

Dad was inside when I got in, playing his beloved guitar, but I didn't see anyone else. (Jess' car was there - she may have been upstairs.) I put my bag, sandals, and shorts under the patio umbrella in case it rained. Dipping a toe in revealed that the water was really, really cold. If I tried to tip-toe in slowly, I'd be there all night. The best course of action was to jump right in the deep end.

That may not have been too bright. The water wasn't just cold, it was FREEZING! 72 degrees to be exact, as I discovered when I read the thermometer tethered to the side steps. I came up cursing a streak that matched the water, happy that I was the only one in the pool area, or even outside.

I swam for about a half-hour, which was really all my body could stand. I'd debated going an hour, but it was just too cold. Mother Nature apparently agreed with me. I was just getting ready to get out of the pool when it started pouring. Hard. I climbed out of the pool and ducked under the patio umbrella; when it didn't let up, I made a break for the house.

The showers did finally abate after about ten minutes. I said good-bye to Dad (who was about to hit the shower) and headed home. On my way, I encountered Mercedes and Blake, Dolores' 10-year-old and 5-year-old grandchildren, playing catch with a big, soft fabric ball the size of a volleyball. They encouraged me to join them for a couple of rounds of Monkey In the Middle. We had a really fun time. The kids were hilarious (and have darn good throwing arms).

I was at home and in the shower when it started raining again. The second time proved to be the charm. It didn't even take ten minutes this time, but when it was done, the air felt fresher and the sun was trying to come out. Even so, I turned my air conditioner on. It was hotter, too, and is supposed to get even more so tomorrow. (Rumor has it that it may get into the 90s.)

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