Friday, January 25, 2008

Being Useful

I wish I was useful. I spent most of the day sitting around, doing nothing. Oh, I did some yoga, and I did what my counselor Scott asked me to do. He suggested to do research on library jobs and other jobs that might interest me. I did, and it would seem the librarians at Haddon Township were right - school librarians/media specialists would appear to be one of the fastest-growing library jobs right now. Supposedly, growth in library/archival jobs is slow, but at a good rate as older librarians retire. (Considering the median age of the librarians at Haddon Township is about 50, that's believable.)

What I wish I could find is something to do in the interim. I don't know what it is about me that drives prospective companies away. There must be something wrong with me. Borders never got back to me. Barnes and Noble didn't want me. Staples didn't want me. FYE didn't want me. What IS it they WANT? What do people need? What am I doing wrong?

I wish I was needed. Everyone has someone who needs them, someone they can take care of and hug and spend winter nights with. I don't have anyone. My friends are so far away, and my family doesn't need me. They all have someone. I'm a third wheel wherever I go. I wish I could find the people in the Delaware Valley area who needed me.

I agreed to go in work at 10:30AM tomorrow to cover for someone who was going to a funeral. The only time work really needs me is to cover for someone else or when all of the older women and college students are on vacation.

Speaking of, work was dead again tonight. I'd love to know why two people were scheduled to arrive and leave at the same time. (Not to mention smack that stupid teenage boy who never showed and never called. If you're sick, be professional and call us, for heaven's sake! The managers had to take the registers when we left!)


Linda said...

Emma, do they have "learning annex" type courses where you are, or perhaps nearby? We get flyers for our local one all the time. They often have an "interview" course, where they give you tips on dressing, staying calm, anticipating questions (they give you practice ones), etc. They might be able to show you something you are missing. I understand that some of these courses are intended for folks with limited income coming back into the job market (welfare recipients, stay-at-home moms going back to work, etc.), so they won't suggest you buy an Armani suit and $200 shoes to get that corporate look. :-)

Tina said...

Nothing wrong with you, Emma. Just hang in there.

Emma said...

Linda, I don't know. I've never gotten flyers for them. Maybe they have them at the Library, or I can ask around.