Tuesday, January 22, 2008

No Snow Days

First of all, at press time, we still haven't gotten snow. We got a tiny bit of freezing rain late this morning that vanished the moment it appeared, and there was a bit of light rain when I rode to work. Other than that, it was cloudy and damp all day, cold but thankfully not freezing. I was able to make a quick trip up to the Oaklyn Post Office to send Mom my video copy of Top Hat I no longer need.

Mom called me yesterday (after I called her the day before to tell her the video would go out Tuesday). She, Dad, and Keefe have finally moved into their new house on Walnut Lane across from the Cape May County Airport. Apparently, it's slow going because they haven't really had the time to pack; they've been too busy painting and building the house! Mom said she was preparing to move Keefe's beloved pet turtle Jim as she called me. Their last day in the old house in North Cape May is the 28th.

Work was steady, with no problems...but I received quite a non-work-related shock towards the end of my shift. I'd overheard a teenage girl at work say that Australian actor Heath Ledger, one of my brother Keefe's favorite actors (and one I liked a great deal), had died after reading about it on her cell phone Internet connection. I hoped she was kidding or read it wrong...until I went online and saw it at Yahoo's home page. My jaw must have hit China. I think it's still there.

Damn. This is just so...wrong. So very, very wrong. And the guy was my age, too, with a little girl! I hope Keefe hasn't seen it. A Knight's Tale is one of his favorite movies. It made him a fan of Queen for life; even Mom liked it. Coupled with the deaths of fellow young actor Brad Renfro and beloved actress Suzanne Pleshette, this has not been a pleasant couple of days in the movie community. :(

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