Monday, July 12, 2010

Walk Like a Woman

I made a frustrating discovery this morning when I was going out to do my laundry. The front tire on my bike was flat again. I guess the patching that Michael did on the inner tube could only hold for so long. Oh, well. I was going to take a walk today anyway for exercise.

I just walked to the laundromat. I couldn't put it off. I had a lot to do. I was washing one of the bath rugs and my new sheets in addition to clothes. I'd been meaning to do the sheets for weeks, but hadn't gotten around to it. It was really busy when I arrived, but I did get a washer and a dryer. I love the laundromat. A load that would have taken an hour and a half or more to wash and dry at Dad and Uncle Ken's house took less than an hour.

I got to do some reading and some thinking while I was in the laundromat. I'm currently reading a book called This Year I Will..., on fulfilling whatever it is that you want to do but haven't yet. Right now, I'm focusing on losing weight. I want to join a gym, but gyms are expensive, and I don't have much money. I'm going to walk three or four times a week and swim two or three times a week, and of course, continue going to yoga class.

To be honest, it doesn't seem to be working yet. I was still at 203 pounds as of yesterday. (Although a certain womanly time of the month that's notorious for adding a few pounds may be part of the current problem.) Of course, it took me a week or two to really start losing weight the last time. My problem is, I seem to be stuck on a big plateau that I can't get past.

I've cut down on junk, too. Of course, part of it is necessity. It's too hot right now to make junk, and there's plenty of ingredients to make baked goods that are good for you floating around at this time of the year. I'm not a huge fan of a lot of junk food to begin with. I don't like greasy chips, eat fast food once in a while, and will only buy ice cream when it's on a really good sale or buy the frozen yogurt from Leo's Yum Yums. I also learned to curb my peanut butter addiction from the winter with real nuts. I've been into almonds lately. A handful more than satisfies me.

I ended up walking to work. Even though it was hot and humid, I really hated having to call for a walk. It makes me feel guilty. Besides, people aren't always around to give me rides. Not to mention, I wanted to go to Wal Mart before work and get a pump and see if they had the right size bike tube. I bought a 24...which turned out to be the wrong size as well. I need a 26 2 3/4, or something bigger than the one I have. I'll take them back later this month. (I'm going to need to get something for my nephew's birthday anyway.)

Work was really, really busy, especially compared to over the weekend! We had long lines well into the evening. It slowed down a bit by the time I went home, but it was never really dead.

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