Friday, August 09, 2024

Two Guys On the Town

Began my day with breakfast and one of the spookier Scooby Doo Show episodes. The kids find themselves stranded at "The Harum Scarum Sanitarium" when they get lost on a trip to the US side of Niagara Falls. Taking refuge in the former sanitarium, they stumble on the ghost of a mad doctor who did experiments on dogs. Seems he never stopped, even after death. After his spooky organ music possesses Scooby too, the human kids try to figure out what this scary scientist is really up to.

Listened to that Danny Kaye album I found at Rocket Fizz while finishing my grocery list and getting organized. If the advertisement for Kaye's CBS variety show on the back cover is any indication, this is something of a soundtrack for that program. He had the most fun with the opening number "That Great Come and Get It Day" from Finian's Rainbow, the side 1 closer "Down By the Riverside," and "I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts." The Clinger Sisters join him for "The Story of Alice" and "Oh Baby Mine." 

It wasn't doing anything when I hurried out for this week's grocery shopping, though the deep puddles indicated that it had last night. It was just cloudy, humid, and warmer than yesterday, though still nothing like it has been. Maybe that's why it was dead when I arrived at the Westmont Plaza. There wasn't a teenager in sight, not even when I locked my bike next to Target and headed to Sprouts. They all must have been avoiding the weather.

Sprouts wasn't terribly busy, either. No good sales on cookies, but I did find cranberry scones on a manager's clearance. Annie's Organic Granola Bars were buy-one, get-one half price. Also picked up coconut milk, peaches on sale, and Olipop soda.

Hurried down Cuthbert to the Westmont Acme, dodging men doing repairs on the front patio. I mainly restocked yogurt and plums here. The Culture Pop soda and Made Good soft breakfast bars were on good sales, and I had online coupons for bakery cookies and Kind bars, Found a bag of bagels on the bakery clearance rack. Bags of nuts are cheaper here than anywhere else. I got roasted almonds. They were only slightly busier than Sprouts, and I had no trouble getting in and out.

Cut across Newton Lake Park. They were surprisingly quiet, too. The only creatures I saw were the usual flocks of Canadian geese. Sometime in the last few weeks, Camden County added two beautiful fountains on either side of the causeway on Lees Lane. They shot spray into the air as I passed by. I was surprised at the park being damp and not too muddy, both on the paths and as I pushed my bike up the hill trail to the Haddon Township Environmental and Historical Center. Leaves and branches left from the heavy wind was more of a problem.

Made a quick stop at A&A Pretzels on the way home. Picked up a cheesesteak-stuffed pretzel and a Diet Coke. I also grabbed two regular pretzels; the owner threw in an extra one.

Had lunch while watching more Scooby Doo, this time The New Scooby Doo Movies. Though the Monkees had disbanded by the time this show debuted in 1972, Davy Jones did lend his voice and likeness to "The Haunted Horseman of Hagglethorn Hall." Davy's uncle brought over a castle from their native Northern England. He would inherit it, if a ghostly knight on horseback and a giant frog monster in the moat weren't scaring off tourists. Mystery Inc help the British lad figure out who's behind the spooky goings-on. 

Got my schedule when I went online. In good news, Wednesday is the only early day. Unfortunately, not nearly as many hours again. I only had the hours I did this week because the head bagger went on vacation. I'm not sure I'll have the time for the farm market next Saturday, either. 

I also noticed at this point that it had finally started raining. It wasn't a thunderstorm, though, just a strong downpour. To my knowledge, the rain hasn't been back since. 

Spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening after I put the groceries away adding to the soundtrack inventory. Finished the B titles and did C through F. Titles I added today included the soundtrack from the TV show Smash, the original 1957 Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella with Julie Andrews, the film versions of Chicago and Dreamgirls, the lesser-known Disney animated film Brother Bear, Cocktail, Eddie and the Cruisers, and For the Boys. 

Most of these I bought when they came out or from thrift shops, and I think Cinderella was among the cast albums I found at the Mays Landing Borders in college, but I distinctly remember where and when I picked up Eddie and the Cruisers...and why. My friend Amanda and I went on a desperately needed shopping therapy trip to the Hamilton Mall and Consumers Square the weekend after the tragedies on September 11th, 2001. Eddie and the Cruisers was one of my favorite albums as a child. John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band weren't all that far removed from the bar bands I heard in Cape May. I found my CD at the Consumer's Square Best Buy. The memories were always comforting to me. Hearing "On the Dark Side" and "Boardwalk Angel" was like being home again.

Broke for dinner at 7 PM. Watched Match Game Syndicated while I ate. I wish Alfie Wise was on more often. He was cute and very funny, and his upbeat presence brought a lot to the show. The others start by making fun of Gene's rather ugly brown and green plaid suit. It ends with Gene doing a little soft shoe, Patty Duke showing real acting, and Charles reminds Brett that for a woman of a certain age, it's warm everywhere. 

Finished the night after a shower with Uptown Saturday Night, which is currently free at YouTube. Steve Jackson (Sidney Poitier) is an uptight steel mill worker who is talked by his best friend Wardell Franklin (Bill Cosby) into a night on the town. Their big night out turns scary quickly when the gambling establishment Wardell drags Steve to is robbed. Worse yet, Steve realizes the next day that he left a lottery ticket worth $50,000 in his stolen wallet. He and Wardell end up running all over town to find it, eventually ending up between warring gangsters Geechy Dan Beauford (Harry Belafonte) and Silky Slim (Calvin Lockhart). 

All three of the comedies featuring Poitier and Cosby are currently free at YouTube. If they're as much fun as Uptown Saturday Night, I might have to check all of them out. The two men are supported by a terrific cast, including Richard Pryor as an unlikely gangster, Flip Wilson as a reverend, and an unrecognizable Belafonte as one of the head mobsters trying to take the other out. If you love the cast or want to see a really good black-headlined action comedy, this is worth running around town for. 

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