Kicked off a hazy, sunny morning with a quick breakfast and more Clone Wars. "Legacy of Terror" gets a little freaky when Luminara Unduli is captured while trying to find Geonosian leader Poggle the Lesser. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and their clones have to brave a cave full of Geonosian zombies to rescue her and bring Poggle to trial.
Headed off to work shortly after the episode ended. It wasn't fun. I spent a lot of the day in the register, including the last two hours. There were two call outs, and a cashier quit. Most people at least seemed to be in decent moods. When I did manage to get out to do carts, it was humid, hazy, and murderously hot, in the lower-mid 90's. The carts kept vanishing all day. Even with help, I couldn't keep up with them.
Thankfully, it slowed down enough by 4 that I was able to leave a few minutes early. Dark clouds were gathering on the horizon, even as I dashed home on my bike. I'd been home for about 20 minutes when those clouds finally burst, resulting in a rather noisy little thunderstorm. (To my knowledge, it hasn't done anything since.)
Spent the next few hours writing. Vedder recognizes Patricia, and she him...but he's still hurt by what he felt was her betrayal, and she can't understand why he's still with Palpatine. She addresses him by his real name, but he chooses not to acknowledge her and leaves instead.
Broke for dinner at 6:30. Made chicken stir fry with yellow squash, snap peas, mushrooms, and onion with the last of the leftover chicken cutlets over brown rice while continuing Clone Wars. "Brain Invaders" also veers off into horror territory. Ahsoka, Barris, and their clones are supposed to be delivering supplies to Tatoonie, but they don't realize they also have an unwelcome visitor - a worn that enters the heads of humans and controls them. Ahsoka has to dodge murderous clones who are under their commands...but things really get chilly when Barris falls under their sway, too.
"Grievous Intrigue" kicks off with the nasty cyborg kidnapping Jedi Council member Eeth Toth. Jedi master Adi Galla joins Anakin to try to save him, while Obi-Wan lures Grievous out of hiding and acts as a distraction.
Disc 2 ends with "The Deserter." Obi-Wan and his clone soldiers Cody and Rex follow Grievous to the near-by planet Saluecami, hoping to sniff him out. Rex is shot by a sniper and recovers with a fellow clone who deserted his ranks, married a Tw'lek woman, and helps her raise her kids on a farm. But Grievous might be closer than they suspect...
Moved on to Lego Pirates of the Caribbean after dinner. Only had time to get through "Queen Anne's Revenge" tonight. It took me long enough to figure out how to get past Blackbeard and into the final two rooms. Turns out you need to use Blackbeard to do it - apparently, Blackbeard has enough sense not to attack himself. Blackbeard has to open a closet in the first room; the second one requires finding a jewel and putting it in the right panel. At any rate, I've now totally completed "Queen Anne's Revenge" and need only one more piece to finish out Stranger Tides.
Finished out the night with Hey There, It's Yogi Bear! I go into further details on Yogi's first big-screen adventure at my Musical Dreams Movie Reviews blog.
Hey There, It's Yogi Bear!
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