Saturday, June 23, 2007

Summer Breeze

The weather was just perfect again, with a slightly stiffer breeze this time. My day began went well. I didn't get up in time to make the farm market (I had to work reletively early), but I did get to the bank and checked out a few yard sales. (Nothing interesting.)

I was ready to tear my hair out at work. It began all right, steady but not crazy...but by three o'clock, the lines were growing, and so was my frustration. Doesn't anyone EVER read signs? I can understand it if you got it out of the jumbled clearance section, but the buy one-get one free sales clearly state what's on sale. You won't get the item for free unless it's the right item! I was mad as heck by the time I got out and home - mad at my obnoxious customers, mad at myself for not having found a better job away from these stupid people and not pleasing them, mad at whomever puts up the damn signs for not making better ones people can read.

Another walk, this time just to the WaWa on the White Horse Pike and back, proved to be the tonic I needed after my stressful day. The Oaklyn WaWa (convience store, for those of you who aren't from New Jersey and don't have a WaWa on every other block) is a little over a year old, and has one really cool feature. The soda fountain has flavored syrups, so you can kind of make your own soda flavor, like in the old-fashioned soda shoppes and drug stores my mom often talks about. I made Raspberry-Chocolate Diet Coke. I put more chocolate than raspberry in, and it tasted a bit like a fizzy Tootsie Roll.

My older friend Erica stopped by around 6:30 for a chat and the surprise I'd prepared for her birthday last week - the last of the Summer White Wine Fruit Cake and a cute little card. We talked about her birthday (apparently, she recieved lots of congrats and hugs from her customers at the thrift shop, then went out to dinner with her family) and our upcoming vacations. She's going on a trip to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware to visit some friends of hers and may want me to cat-sit for a few days. Sweet. I like her cat, Honey, and he likes me.

I'll have to remember that WaWa again the next time it's a nice day and I've had a rough time at work. The walk and the soda did make me feel better.

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