Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Welcoming the Rain

Awoke to the sound of rain pattering on the roof. In fact, it was pouring...and I couldn't be happier. We badly need the rain. It's been so long since we had a really good storm like this. It provided a cozy backdrop to writing in my journal and finishing off Jolene.  

Watched more new Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood while I ate breakfast. "Daniel Feels Worried About Mom" when she hurts her arm and her family takes her to the hospital. He talks to his parents, who reassure him that his mother will be fine, and later that her arm is in a sling and she'll only need it for a while. "Jodi Loses Benji," her favorite stuffed hedgehog, while taking him to the library. She joins the others for craft time while her mother looks for Benji.

Worked on writing briefly after the show ended. Brett's delighted to learn that the Red Knights are hers to command. She orders them to release the others and bring her Richard's men. Jack the Red Knight, however, remains at large...

Though the rain let up a bit by 12:30, I still called Uber. Alas, I probably called them a bit late. Not to mention, it took me three tries to actually get a driver in that weather, and they took almost 8 minutes to arrive. At least we didn't hit any traffic on the White Horse Pike or Nicholson Road.

Ended up spending most of the afternoon pushing carts. The head bagger wanted to be in a register. Fine by me. I did get stuck in a register during the last hour when the night bagger arrived and rush hour hit. Had to wait for a college boy to get off break so I could leave, which meant I barely got out on time.

Oh, and the rain finally stopped just as I arrived at work. It's showered lightly off and on since then and is insanely humid, but it's never poured like it did this morning. It's not even hot. I think it's in the mid-70's, actually kind of chilly for this time of year. 

Despite the long lines when I finished, I needed to grab a few things. Fished two more bags of Famous Amos chocolate-coconut cookies out of the clearance cart. Restocked granola bars (Nature's Valley is on a good sale this week) and bought salad bowls to have for lunch at the Collingswood Senior Center tomorrow and Thursday.

Thankfully, I didn't have nearly as much trouble getting a ride home. It showered slightly by 7 PM, but nothing like the gullywasher we had this morning. In fact, I got a pleasant driver in less than 3 minutes and was home in less than 5. 

Went straight upstairs and into dinner and Match Game '75 when I got in. Gene nearly falls asleep over one of Mary Ann Mobley's rambling answers, and they argue over whether or not he can choose an answer for her. Meanwhile, the others try to figure out "Up A __" in the Audience Match.

Finished the night after a shower with College Swing. I go further into this wacky look at higher education in the 30's with Gracie Allen and Bob Hope at my Musical Dreams Movie Reviews blog. 

(Oh, and while Musical Dreams Movie Reviews will be on hiatus while I'm on vacation from the 22nd through the 28th, I'll continue to update this blog at Lauren's house.) 

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