Monday, March 10, 2008

Good Old Fashioned Swashbuckler

Ran a few errands this morning. Brought my information to the dentist office for them to process. They can process it...but they can't fit in a second appointment until April 5th! Oh well. I've learned my lesson about brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash every day. There is a cavity on the other molar, but it doesn't hurt (yet), so hopefully it isn't in as bad of shape as the right side. The right molar is still sore, but the dentist said that should last for a few days. I also hit the bank and made a quick stop at Doria's Deli for turkey lunch meat.

Work was slightly less of a pain than yesterday, but there were still a lot of obnoxious people out. An on-and-off day did not help matters. I wasn't terribly happy with my relief, either. She sat around for ten minutes chatting with one of the teenage boy cashiers waiting to go in. What's wrong with going in a few minutes early? I do it all the time!

I was so happy to get home, make gingerbread, eat a Salisbury Steak Smart Ones meal for dinner, and watch the first half of The Black Swan. This is your typical 40s-50s swashbuckler, with Tyrone Power as a former buccaneer sent by Jamaica governor
Sir Henry Morgan to stop a renegade former comrade from bombing British ships. Maureen O'Hara is the feisty noblewoman he loves. Gorgeous, Oscar-winning color cinematography (and imaginative use of the 20th Century Fox back lot) and a fairly intelligent script (from a Rafael Sabatini novel) make this one of Tyrone Power's most memorable action vehicles.

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